Wednesday, December 8, 2010

december daily, day 7


Well, I didn’t get a finished picture of the gingerbread houses yet. I worked today, so no time in the morning to take pics and by the time I was home it was dark. I’m home on Thursday, so hopefully I can take some then!


Today I wanted to write a bit more. And since I worked I had to rely on pics taken this evening! Fortunately we do our Advent calendars either right before or right after dinner (unless we have a project, then it’s earlier). Tonight we got to go out for ice cream.

And if you’ve been reading my blog & paying attention…because of course this is the most exciting blog ever, right? Winking smile

…you might notice that “eating ice cream” was not listed as one of our Advent activities. Well…last year when I made my calendar I knew that Brandon would be in kindergarten this year, Olivia next year, etc. And that each number isn’t always going to fall on the same day. However, I wasn’t anticipating Abbie falling asleep in the car on the way to pick up Brandon, napping until 4:30, only to be ready to go back to bed (with the other two) by 7pm. I also was only working two days a week last year, and David was working from home on one of those days. Needless to say, we had to change some of our activities!

And that’s okay…because my kids can’t read yet anyways Smile

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