Sunday, November 29, 2009

baby notes

In my previous post I talked about my baby albums for the kids. And the fact that I'm just now finishing up Abbie's March layout at the end of November.

How do I remember all those details?

I have kept a separate calendar for each child too; this is where I write everything as it happens, so that I can scrap it later. This way too, I can keep the journaling simple & chronicle what happened when.

It started with one of those gifts in the mail from Nestle Good Start Formula right before Brandon was born. It was a spiral bound blank calendar. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, since I had a baby book & an album started already.

And then I realized I could use it as a journal of everything that happened! And use it later to journal!

Brandon's was filled to the brim (hello, he's the first child). When I found out I was pregnant with Olivia, I made sure to sign up on the Good Start website for the free goodies again & got another.

Two years later, I signed up for the free stuff while pregnant with Abbie. Month after month went by & it was July, two weeks before her birth & I hadn't gotten a thing. I contacted Nestle only to find out that product had been discontinued, but that I was going to be getting lots of formula coupons! Not exactly the same, especially since I would be nursing.

So instead of pouting, I made my own calendar. I still need to get it bound & make a cover, but I'm happy just the same.

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